CEMS Board meets at CEU for the first time

October 21, 2014

The CEMS Board Meeting took place at CEU on Saturday, 18 October (OKTOBER 6, no. 7 building, Room 101). This event was part of the celebrations surrounding a decade of CEMS activity in Budapest and beyond. This was also the first time that the Board met at CEU.

The following Board Members were in Budapest on this occasion: Evangelos Chrysos (University of Athens) Honorary Chairman&Fellow, Athanasios Markopoulos (University of Athens) Chairman, Gábor Betegh (University of Cambridge), Valentina Calzolari (University of Geneva), Rismag Gordeziani (Tbilisi State University), Stefan Leder (Orient Institut Beirut), Ljubomir Maksimović (Serbian Academy of Sciences), László Török (Hungarian Academy of Sciences). Furthermore, Dame Averil Cameron (University of Oxford) also joined.
