Concluding Workshop of “The Caucasus in Context, 300–1600” takes place at CEU

December 2, 2014

The concluding workshop of the “The Caucasus in Context, 300–1600” HESP-funded project took place at CEU, in Budapest, on 28–30 November 2014. 

Please see attached the program of the concluding workshop of “The Caucasus in Context, 300-1600” project which will take place at CEU starting on Friday 28 November at 5:30 pm, through Saturday and until Sunday afternoon. Five CEU faculty and doctoral students were joined by 18 colleagues from institutions in Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Georgia, Germany, Israel, and the UK, as they continued their work on the syllabi and discussed the future perspectives of the scholarly network created during this project. The workshop was the fifth in the last four years after similar events were organised by CEMS in Budaepst (2010), Tbilisi (2011), Yerevan (2012) and Istanbul (2013).

