Daniel Ziemann


Contact information

Vienna, Quellenstrasse 51

Since 2009, Daniel Ziemann has been an Associate Professor in the Department of Historical Studies at Central European University in Vienna. He earned his PhD from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main in 2002. His research focuses on the early and high medieval political and legal history of Southeastern and Central Europe. In 2007, he published a monograph on the emergence of early medieval Bulgaria, titled Vom Wandervolk zur Großmacht: die Entstehung Bulgariens im frühen Mittelalter (7.-9. Jahrhundert). Alongside Nada Zečević, he edited the Oxford Handbook of Medieval Central Europe, published in 2012. His interests include early medieval state formation processes and their actors, as well as the transmission and adaptation of Canon Law in the early Middle Ages.


2002 PhD in History at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt/ Main, Germany

Projects with involvement of Daniel Ziemann