Roman Shlyakhtin, Medieval Studies Doctoral Candidate, teaches at Ilia State University, Tbilisi

April 15, 2014

Roman Shlyakhtin, Medieval Studies PhD Candidate, traveled to Tbilisi in the spring as the sixth doctoral student to give an intensive class at one of our partner institutions. While there he was hosted by Professor Bejan Javakhia at Ilia State University.

Gábor Buzási (ELTE - CEU) participates in the International Conference "Byzantine Studies in Georgia"

September 30, 2013

Gábor Buzási, Assistant Professor at ELTE (Eötvös Loránd University Budapest) and Recurrent Visiting Faculty at CEU (Source Language Teaching Group and Department of Medieval Studies) traveled to Georgia during 21 – 28 September 2013 where he was hosted by Professor Tina Dolidze, Head of the Department for Byzantine Studies (Institute of Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies), Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and participant of our CEU HESP project.

Memorial service for Anna Christidou

September 19, 2013
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Dear all,

I very much regret to inform you that Dr. Anna Christidou, one of CEU’s 20th anniversary post-doctoral fellows, died in a car accident in Athens last Sunday. Anna Christidou joined CEU in September 2011 after finishing her PhD on “Unknown Byzantine Art in the Balkan Area: Art, Power and Patronage in Twelfth to Fourteenth Century Churches in Albania” under the supervision of Dr. Antony Eastmond at the Courtauld Institute of Art/University of London.

CEMS Graduate Conference 2013

June 10, 2013

Professor Andrea Schmidt (Louvain-la-Neuve) lectures at Tbilisi State University

June 7, 2013

Andrea Schmidt, University Professor at the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium traveled to Tbilisi, Georgia during 28 May – 5 June 2013 where she was hosted by Professor Tina Dolidze, Head of the Department for Byzantine Studies (Institute of Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies), Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and participant of our CEU HESP project.

While there she gave a two parts lecture hosted at the Tbilisi State University on:

Niels Gaul (Department of Medieval Studies, CEU) lectures at Tbilisi State University

April 7, 2013

Niels Gaul, Associate Professor at the Department of Medieval Studies, CEU and Director of our CEU HESP project has traveled to Tbilisi during 30 March – 4 April 2013 where he was hosted by Professors Tina Dolidze and Zaza Skhirtladze, Tbilisi State University (both of them members of the Caucasus Project).

While there he gave two lectures at the TSU Institute of Classical Philology, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies on: 



Dragoş Gh. Năstăsoiu, Medieval Studies Doctoral Candidate, gives a course at Tbilisi State University

December 1, 2012

Dragoş Gh. Năstăsoiu, Medieval Studies PhD Candidate, traveled to Tbilisi in the autumn as the fourth doctoral student to give an intensive class at one of our partner institutions. While there he was hosted by Professor Zaza Skhirtladze, Head of the Institute of the History and Theory of Art, Faculty of Humanities, Tbilisi State University.

Anna Christidou (CEMS, CEU) lectures at Tbilisi State University on Late Medieval Albania

September 20, 2012

Anna Christidou, Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies, CEU visited Tbilisi during 14-18 September, 2012 where she was hosted by Professor Zaza Skhirtladze, Head of the Institute of the History and Theory of Art, Faculty of Humanities, Tbilisi State University, Georgia. On Monday, 17 September, she lectured at TSU on "Late Medieval Albania (Balkans): a crossroads of cultures and patrons."


Professor Thomas Mathews (NYU) lectures at Yerevan State University

September 16, 2012
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Thomas Mathews, The John Langeloth Loeb Professor Emeritus of the History of Art, the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University has traveled to Yerevan during 6 – 16 September 2012 where he was hosted by Professor Levon Chookaszian, Director of the UNESCO Chair of Armenian Art History, Yerevan State University and participant of our CEU HESP project.

While there he gave three lectures on: "Icons in Early Armenia" (12-13 September) and "The Secrets of the Gospel of Gagik-Abas (J2556)" all hosted at the Yerevan State University.