Entangled Confessionalizations?

Dialogic Perspectives on Community- and Confession-Building Intiatives in the Ottoman Empire, 15th-18th Centuries

Budapest, June 1-3, 2018

Central European University, Nador utca 15, 1st floor, Room 103



June 1

14:00-14:30   Registration and Coffee

14:30-15:00   Introductory remarks by Tijana  Krstić (CEU) - Reconsidering the Concept of 'Confessionalization'

15:00-17:00— Panel 1: Community- and Confession-Building among the Eastern Christians of Ottoman Iraq, Syria, and Egypt

Commentator: Cesare Santus (École française de Rome)

John-Paul Ghobrial (University of Oxford)—The Conversion to Catholicism of the Christians of Mosul in the 17th Century

Bernard Heyberger (École des hautes études en sciences sociales)—The limits of Catholic and Orthodox Confessionnalisation in the 18th Century

17:00-17:30—Coffee break

17:30-19:00—Keynote Lecture at Auditorium B: Sebouh Aslanian (UCLA)


June 2

9:00-11:00—Panel 2: Confessional Dynamics among the Ottoman Greek Orthodox

Commentator: Tijana Krstić (CEU)

Yorgos Tzedopoulos (Research Associate, Academy of Athens)—Martyrdom and Confessionalization among the Greek-Orthodox of the Ottoman Empire, late 15th – mid-17th centuries

Ovidiu Olar (Research Associate, Ruhr University Bochum / N. Iorga Institute of History—Bucharest)—“Io se puotesse reformare la mia chiesa, lo farei molto volentieri...”: Kyrillos Loukaris and the Confessionalization of the Orthodox Church (1620-1638)

Eleni Gara (University of Aegean)—Struggling for authority: Greek Orthodox hierarchs, their flocks and the Ottoman authorities in the seventeenth century

Molly Greene (Princeton University)—Anastasios Gordios and Christian Spiritual Authority in the Ottoman Empire

11:00-11:15 Coffee and snacks

11:15-13:15— Panel 3: Greek Orthodoxy in Dialogue with Christian Denominations beyond the Ottoman Borders

Commentator: Jan Hennings (CEU)

Alex Tudorie (Postdoctoral Fellow, CEU/University of Bucharest/ OTTOCONFESSION)—Towards the Confessionalization of the Orthodox ‘confessio fidei’:  from Jeremias II Tranos (†1595) to Dositheos II (†1707)

Margarita Voulgaropoulou (Research Associate, Central European University/ OTTOCONFESSION)— Orthodox Confession Building and the Greek Church between Protestantism and Catholicism: The Mission of the Marquis De Nointel to the Levant (1670-1673)

Vera Tchentsova (Project Associate, University of Oxford)—Whose realm, his bishop: Orthodox Patriarchs and their flock beyond the borders of the Ottoman Empire in the 17th century

Hasan Çolak (TOBB University of Economics and Technology)—Building a church and building a community in Amsterdam: Greek Orthodox and Armenian merchants between Ottoman and European worlds

13:30-15:00 Lunch and Coffee (Nador 15)

15:00-17:00: Panel 4: Confessional Dynamics within Armenian Communities in the Ottoman Empire (and Beyond)

Commentator: Sebouh Aslanian (UCLA)

Henry Shapiro (PhD Candidate, Princeton University/ OTTOCONFESSION)—Grigor Daranaḷts‘i:  An Ottoman-Armenian Priest in the Age of Confessionalization

Paolo Lucca (Ca’ Foscari University, Venice)—From Doctrinal Persuasion to Economic Inducement. Paolo Piromalli’s Missionary Work among the Armenians and His Conversion Strategies

Cesare Santus (Postdoctoral Fellow, l’ Ecole Française de Rome)—The Şeyhülislam, the Patriarch and the Ambassador: a case of entangled Confessionalization (1692-1703)

Anna Ohanjanyan (Postdoctoral Fellow, CEU, OTTOCONFESSION/ The Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, Matanadaran)—Gevorg Mxlayim Ōłli: An Overlooked Agent of Confessionalization

17:00-17:15 Coffee and snacks

17:15-19:15 Panel 5: Confessional Dynamics in Ottoman Rumeli

Commentator: Natalie Rothman (University of Toronto)

Nenad Filipović (Oriental Institute, Sarajevo)—Grand Vizier Sinan Pasha and the Ottoman Non-Muslims

Emese Muntan (PhD Candidate, CEU, OTTOCONFESSION)—Non-Catholic Agents of Tridentine Confessionalization—Baptisms and Marriages in Northern Ottoman Rumeli in the Seventeenth Century

Ana Sekulić (PhD Candidate, Princeton University)—“Çitlerimi hedm ederler:” Franciscan Monastery, Confession Building, and Land Accumulation in an Ottoman Bosnian Town (16th-19th c.)

Marijana Mišević (PhD Candidate, Harvard University)— Writing Slavic in Arabic Script: An Expression of a New Way of Being Ottoman in the Seventeenth-Century Ottoman Rumeli?

19:30 Dinner for the participants at Urban Betyar Restaurant (Október 6. street. 16-18)

June 3

9:00-11:00—Panel 6: Confessional Dynamics among Ottoman Jewish Communities in Dialogue with Christians and Muslims

Commentator: Carsten Wilke (CEU)

Roni Weinstein (Independent Scholar) and Guy Burak (E. H. Bobst Library, NYU)—Jewish Rabbis at the Intersection of Legla Traditions: A Note of the Legal Worldviews of Jossef Karo (d. 1575) and Jossef Sambari (d. c. 1703)

Cengiz Şişman (University of Houston—CL)—Confession-Building among the Crypto-Communities: The Cases of Early Modern Ottoman Jews and Christians

Pawel Maciejko (Johns Hopkins University)—Sabbatai Tsevi’s Understanding of Islam and His Conversion

Hadar Feldman (PhD Candidate, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)—Confessionalization and the Sabbatian Ma’aminim

11:00-11:15 Coffee break and snacks

11:15-13:15—Panel 7: Sunnis, Shiites and Those In-Between from Ottoman and Safavid Perspectives

Commentator: Kathryn Babayan (University of Michigan)

Derin Terzioğlu (Alexander-von-Humboldt Kolleg for Islamicate Intellectual History, University of Bonn/ Boğaziçi University/ OTTOCONFESSION)—Containing Confessional Ambiguity in the Confessional Age: Sunnism, Sufism and Alid loyalty in the Ottoman Empire, ca. 1500-1700

Rıza Yıldırım (Emory University)—Formation of the Qizilbash/Alevi as a Confessional Community: Emergence of the Buyruk Genre as the Catechistic Guidebook for the Qizilbash Path

A. Damla Gürkan-Anar (PhD Candidate, Boğaziçi University/ OTTOCONFESSION)—Masjid-e Jame-ye Abbasi: A Twelver Shiite Congregational Mosque in the Context of the Question of Friday Prayer in the Safavid World

Selim Güngörürler (Postdoctoral Fellow, Boğaziçi University/OTTOCONFESSION)—Iranian-Shiite Pilgrim Convoys in Iraq and Hejaz, 1639-1722: A Joint Ottoman-Safavid Organization?

13:30-15:00 Lunch and Coffee

15:00-17:00 Panel 8: Confessional Dynamics among Various Ottoman Muslim Communities

Commentator: Stefan Winter (Université du Québec à Montréal )

Nikolay Antov (University of Arkansas)—The Abdals of Rum and the Development of Competing Muslim Confessional Identities in the Early Modern Eastern Balkans

Helen Pfeifer (Cambridge University)—The Traditions of the Prophet and the Influence of Arabs on Confessional Dynamics in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire

Nir Shafir (University of California, San Diego/Postdoctoral Fellow, CEU, OTTOCONFESSION)—Rejecting Confession: “Millet-i Ibrahim” and the Question of Religion in the Seventeenth-Century Ottoman Empire

17:00-17:15   Coffee Break

17:15-19:00   Conclusions

19:30 Dinner for participants at Koleves restaurant (Kazinczy street 41)