


History of Dogma: From the Early Christian Times to the Reformation - East and West (Perczel, 4cr)

Byzantium between Worlds: Literature and Learning under the Palaiologan Emperors and Beyond (van den Berg, 4cr)

Heroes in Komnenian Byzantium (van den Berg, 2cr)

Gregory Bar 'Ebroyo (Barhebraeus): Laughable Stories - A Medieval Joke Collection in Classical Syriac (Perczel, 2cr)

Critical Source Readings for Ottoman History (1400–1800 CE) (Börekçi, 2cr)

Gospels, Graffiti, Grocery Lists: Writing Culture and its Material Evidence in Antiquity and the Middle Ages (Menze, 2cr)

Language, Identity, Heritage (Gaşpar, 2cr)

Presenting Cultural Heritage (Börekçi, 2cr)

Medieval Codicology: The Physical and Intellectual Production and Use of Manuscripts (8th-15th c.) (Somfai, 2cr)

The Carolingian Empire and its Heritage (Ziemann, 2cr)

The Late Ottoman Empire (Wilson, 2cr)

Religion and Society in Turkey and the Middle East (Wilson, 2cr)

Comparative, Transnational and Global Histories (Trencsenyi, 2cr)

Zionism and Palestinian Nationalism (Miller, 2cr)

Emotions and Affect in History (Esmer, 2cr)

Empires, Environments and Climate Change in Premodern Eurasian History (1500-1800) (Börekçi, 2cr)

Eurasian Histories of the Book to 1800 (Radway, 2cr)

Memory in and of the Balkans (Tokic, 2 cr)

Topical Survey III: Empires (Esmer, 2cr)

Source language courses offered by SLTG


Grand Debates in Mediterranean History (Wilke, 2cr) (MANDATORY for Advanced Certificate in Eastern Mediterranean Studies)

Commercial Goods and Trading Networks in the Medieval World (Szende, Nagy, 4cr)

The Medieval Nation (Adde, 4cr)

Men of Empire: Masculinity in the World of the Ottomans and their Rivals (Esmer, 4 cr)

Striking from the margins: systemic transformations and spoils of war in the greater Middle East (al-Bagdadi, 4 cr)

Text, Author, Meaning: Modern Critical Theory and the Medieval Text (Gaşpar, 2cr)

Jewish Cultural Heritage (Wilke, 2cr)

Sex, Body, Society: An Introduction to the History of Pre-Modern Sexualities (Gaşpar, 2cr)

The Bible for Medievalists (Geréby, 2cr)

Modern Turkey: Culture, Religion, and Nation (Wilson, 2cr)

Source language courses offered by SLTG