

Early Christianity: From Messianic Sect to State Religion
(Geréby and Menze, 4 cr)

Reading Lives, Telling Stories: Advanced Latin Text Seminar (Gaşpar, 2 cr)

The Ottoman Empire, Islam, and the Republic of Letters (Krstić, 4 cr)

Empires (Esmer, 2 cr)

Crisis and Renewal in the Late Ottoman World (Esmer, 2 cr)

Cultural and Religious Exchanges between the Mediterranean and South India from Late Antiquity to Early Modernity (Perczel, 4 cr)

Ottoman Hungary (Radway, 2 cr)

Approaches to Late Antique and Medieval Studies (Adde, 2 cr)

Problems and Paradigms in Jewish History (Komoróczy, 2 cr)

Ethics and the Cognition of Nature in Ancient Philosophy (Bodnar, 2cr)

Ancient Philosophy (Bodnar, 2cr)

Source language courses offered by SLTG*



Grand Debates in Eastern Mediterranean History (Wilson, 2 cr): (MANDATORY for Advanced Certificate in Eastern Mediterranean Studies)

Alexander the Great: A Global Medieval Hero (Adde and Van den Berg, 4 cr)

From Birth to Death: A Journey through Byzantine Life (Medieval Greek Reading Seminar) (Van den Berg, 2 cr)

Great Themes of Late Antique and Medieval Philosophy Latin and Byzantine (Geréby and Perczel, 4 cr)

Text, Author, Meaning: Medieval Literature and Modern Critical Theory (Gaşpar, 2 cr)

Decentering Eurasian Empires and Geographies 1200s to the Present (Hennings and Krstić, 4 cr)

The Qur'an: History, Object, Text (Wilson, 2 cr)

Biography and History (Shaw and Wilson, 4 cr)

Commerce, Contacts, Communication: The Economy in the Medieval and Modern Worlds (Nagy, 2 cr)

Text, Author, Meaning: Medieval Literature and Modern Critical Theory (Gaşpar, 2 cr)

Comparative, Transnational and Global Histories: Rethinking Geographical and Temporal Scales (Trencsényi, 2 cr)

Source language courses offered by SLTG*



Jewish Material Culture: Restitution, Reuse and Revitalization (Felcher, 1 cr)

*Please note that elective courses can be substituted by language courses not featured in this list.

With any such request please contact  Sona Grigoryan (grigoryans@ceu.edu) and your supervisor.