Merve Demirkan wins EMS Best Thesis Award 2020

July 15, 2020
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We are delighted to inform you that the CEMS-award for the best MA-thesis (which includes 250 EUR)  written by a student who signed up for the Advanced Certificate in Eastern Mediterranean Studies  this year goes to Rabia Merve Demirkan Aydogan(History, 2YMA) for a thesis on "Schools for the Holy City: Education, Imperial Loyalty and Missionaries in Late Ottoman Jerusalem, 1876-1909."

Congratulations, Merve!

New article by CEMS junior member Emese Muntan

June 25, 2020

Emese Muntan, "Uneasy Agents of Tridentine Reforms: Catholic Missionaries in Southern Ottoman Hungary and Their Local Competitors in the Early Seventeenth Century," Journal of Early Modern Christianity, Volume 7: Issue 1,  May 2020, pp 151-175.

Tolga U. Esmer's article published in "The Cambridge World History of Violence"

June 16, 2020

Tolga U. Esmer. ‘War, State and the Privatisation of Violence in the Ottoman Empire’, in Robert Antony, Stuart Carroll, and Caroline Dodds Pennock (eds.), The Cambridge World History of Violence, 1500-1800 CE, Vol. III (2020), 194-216.

For more see here:

CEU Alumna Maria Telegina tells about her experience at CEMS

June 15, 2020
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Maria is currently a PhD student at Georgetown University. She graduated from the Department of Medieval Studies at CEU with an Advanced Certificate in Eastern Mediterranean Studies in 2017. Her MA thesis was on "Ceremonial representation in cross-confessional diplomacy: the Ottoman embassy of a Christian ambassador to Moscow in 1621,"  supervised by Tijana Krstic and Jan Hennings.

Aziz al-Azmeh's "Times of History: Universal Topics in Islamic Historiography" is published in Arabic

June 10, 2020

Al-Azmeh's widely known Times of History: Universal Topics in Islamic Historiography was first published in 2007. The main concerns of the work are conceptions of time and temporality, the uses of the past, historical periodisation, historical categorisation, and the constitution of historical objects, not least those called "civilisation" and "Islam".

Secularism in the Arab World: Contexts, Ideas and Consequences-book published by CEMS senior member Aziz al-Azmeh

June 10, 2020
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This book is a translation of Aziz al-Azmeh’s seminal work Al-'Ilmaniya min mandhur mukhtalif that was first published in Beirut in 1992.

The Wandering Holy Man – book published by CEMS senior member Volker Menze

June 10, 2020

In Peter Brown’s series “Transformation of the Classical Heritage” Volker Menze edited together with Johannes Hahn its 60th volume The Wandering Holy Man. The Life of Barsauma, Christian Asceticism, and Religious Conflict in Late Antique Palestine. Barsauma was a fifth-century Syrian ascetic, archimandrite, and leader of monks, notorious for his extreme asceticism and violent anti-Jewish campaigns across the Holy Land.

CEMS junior member Emese Muntan receives best paper award from RefoRC

October 7, 2019

Emese Muntan has won the RefoRC Paper Award  2019 for her paper Uneasy Agents of Tridentine Reforms—Catholic Missionaries in Southern Ottoman Hungary and Their Local Competitors in the First Half of the Seventeenth Centurypresented at the Ninth Annual RefoRC Conference on Early Modern Christianity in May of this year.

CEMS Graduate Conference 2019

July 18, 2019